In September 2021 a special issue of the Advances in Engineering Education journal was released that features innovations and updates from the universities identified as 'current leaders' or 'emerging leaders' in the 2018 MIT report on the global state of the art in engineering education.
The special issue can be accessed here.
The Collaborative Engineering Education in the Digital Age (CEEDA) website was launched today. It showcases examples of global best practice in collaborative and/or project-based engineering learning that are partially or wholly delivered online. It forms one element of a wider study looking at the lessons learnt from the current period of COVID-19 ‘emergency teaching’ and how this might impact the trajectory of engineering education in the future. The first four case studies included on the website are from MIT (US), Aalborg University (Denmark), SUTD (Singapore) and PUC (Chile). New case studies will be added progressively in the coming months.
The CEEDA website can be accessed here: CEEDA is the major focus of Ruth Graham's consultancy activities during 2021.
Two Advancing Teaching webinars were held at the end of November 2020 on improving the reward and recognition of teaching in higher education. The first webinar (held on 23trd November) looked at institutional change within a single university, while the second (held on 27th November) looked at collective or national changes that bring together a group of universities. The webinars were hosted in collaboration with the Dutch Recognition & Rewards network and the Comenius network.
Recordings of the webinars, the slides presented by speakers, and a blog for each of the sessions are given on the Advancing Teaching website here.